Useful Information & Forms

Free School Meals
Free School Meals for Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 children
Free School Meals Contact Details: or complete the form below and submit to the school office.
Family Support
School Transport
The transport provided will depend on the type of school your child attends. If your child is offered a place at a mainstream (foundation, community or voluntary-controlled) or (voluntary-aided faith) primary or secondary school, they could be entitled to free or assisted home to school transport. For post -16 students, the provision of transport remains a discretionary award for local authorities. Essex County Council will continue to make transport available to all post-16 students (including those with special educational needs) who qualify for assistance. For more information about the raising of participation age, visit the Department of Education. We can also help you make informed decisions if you think you have exceptional grounds for needing school transport support, if your child has special educational needs, is 16-19 or requires independent travel training.
Free Transport Contact Details:
Telephone Number: 0845 603 2200
Email: educationawards@essex.go
Medication must be clearly named and handed directly to the school office or a member of staff at Breakfast Club by the parent or adult. Please DO NOT place medication in your childs bag. We will administer medication when it is required 4 times a day, please speak to a member of the office team if you have any questions of concerns.