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The School Day


8:40 a.m. The EYFS gate will be opened at 8: 40am and children should be escorted to their classroom by their parent/carer (if wished), settled in and choose a morning activity. Some children do this independently.
9:00 a.m. The register is taken at 9:00 am promptly, followed by a whole class input. This might be maths, phonics or a topic based session.
  Those arriving later than 8:55 am will need to come into school via the front entrance and will be marked in the register as ‘Late’ from 9:00 am.
9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Continuous provision – children engage in their own self-directed activities, indoors and or/outside. Adults will facilitate, support and extend learning during this time.   Children will choose when to have their snack during this time, self-registering to indicate when they have done so.
11:30 a.m. to 12:05 p.m. Whole class input on carpet followed by daily Funky Fingers (fine motor skills) session to music.
12.05 p.m. Lunchtime – Children are escorted to the Hall where they eat their lunch (supported by MDA’s), and then make their way to the KS1 playground for playtime.
1:15 p.m. Register and final whole class input of the day, followed by continuous provision.
3:05 p.m. End of school day.

Cumulative time in school:

EYFS and KS1 - 30Hrs 25Mins

KS2 - 30Hrs 50 Mins 

EYFS children do not participate in daily Assembly sessions.  They have a combined Act of Collective Worship each week, as well as ongoing classroom discussions focusing on attitudes, behaviors and cultural celebrations (as appropriate).  They join the rest of the school in a Friday Celebration Assembly.

The daily timetable may change to incorporate trips to Highwoods for Forest Schools, designated PE sessions and independent cooking sessions.  The timetable for the day is always displayed in the classroom, and this is explained to children each morning.

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