Our Governing Body
Mr David Clouston -Chair of Governors
I am delighted to have joined the Governing Body as a Co-opted Governor in 2018, having lived locally since 2006. Queen Boudica is a wonderful school, and I hope that I can contribute to its continued success in giving our local children the best possible start in their education.
Mrs Katherine Kane - Vice Chair
Mrs Linda Exley - Co-opted Governor Curriculum Committee Chair
I am very pleased to be a Co-opted Governor at Queen Boudica Primary School. As the former head of The Gilberd School, I am always appreciative of the fact that we have such strong positive relationships with our partner primary schools, my post means I know the community Queen Boudica serves of north Colchester well.
Queen Boudica really is a lovely school, I have always been very impressed with the warm and welcoming atmosphere; the school community really does work to fulfil its aims and put the Purple Promises into action! Queen Boudica is a happy school, a genuinely caring and supportive community where staff work incredibly hard to ensure that all children do the best they can. My thirty years’ experience in Essex schools has been focused on working to ensure that students achieve their potential, experience success and have the confidence, skills and attributes they need for the next stage in their lives. I have been a Governor since November 2015 and sit on the Curriculum and Student Related Committee; I am the link governor for Safeguarding and Looked After Children.