Poppy our Therapy Dog
Meet our school dog Poppy. She has a very gentle and kind nature and is extremely well trained. She has successfully completed her training as an official Essex Therapy Dog and Mrs. Byrne is looking forward to working with Poppy as a Therapy Dog. The photo below shows Poppy at work at a recent Essex Therapy Dogs event. The benefits to people's mental and physical health of spending time with specifically trained animals are well documented and researched. If you'd like to find out more about the work of Essex Therapy Dogs, then their website is here.

Poppy is a 3 year old Red Fox Labrador and she loves cuddles, treats and her soft toys. Her favourite toys are her penguin and her highland cow. She also likes puppy ice cream when it is hot and she has been very good.

Poppy had an amazing first day in school and loved all the treats she received. The children were all amazing, with each and every one of them remembering the 'Poppy Promises.' They were gentle, quiet and really kind which was so lovely to see. Queueing up for lunch outside Mrs. Byrne's office is definitely the new 'favourite place to be' in school!
Amongst all the treats, Poppy slept happily under Mrs. Byrne's desk and even received a card, which was beautiful, even if inedible. She loved going for walks around the school grounds with Mrs. Byrne, and children were really keen to tell her all about the trees and the different flowers, fruit and vegetables that are being grown. Well done Poppy and thank you for coming to school today!