Every Child a Reader
It is our ambition that every child becomes not only a proficient reader but that they also develop and love of reading and reading for pleasure. Our carefully planned phonics and reading curriculum helps to ensure we can meet this ambition.
The direct teaching of reading starts with story-telling, oracy and phonics. We follow the Read Write Inc phonics programme, with this being complimented by purposeful talk and the use of shared reading experiences that expose pupils to a wider range of vocabulary, syntax and sentence structure. As part of the RWI programme, children have a daily phonics lesson in which they participate in speaking, listening and spelling activities that are matched to their developmental needs. Information on our KS1 and Phonics curriculum can be found here.
Our Literary Curriculum for English ensures that every child is exposed to a range of quality texts to foster a love of reading through all their English lessons. This curriculum helps develops writers who love to read.
Daily Whole Class Reading lessons take place across Key Stage 2. These sessions develop reading skills and immerse children in quality texts. KS2 children also engage in Accelerated Reader. If children wish to quiz on their AR book at home they can click here.
Whole class novels or stories are shared daily with each class.
The love of reading and a culture of reading for pleasure is central to our ambitions for our children.
In the video below, Mrs Morgan-Soane, our Reading Lead teacher, talks about the importance of reading with you child.
Book recommendations
If you would like to buy, or borrow from the library, some books for your children the website below has a great list of ideas and recommendations.