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Clare Woodward - Headteacher

Welcome To Our School

Ofsted quotes.....Pupils at Queen Boudica love coming to school. Pupils feel safe and thrive in this welcoming and nurturing school. A large number of pupils arrive at the school who cannot speak English. They rapidly feel at home, make lots of friends and learn to communicate confidently. Pupils enjoy learning. They like their teachers and find lessons interesting. Pupils listen attentively to their teachers and get on with their work. Behaviour is exemplary. Bullying is exceptionally rare. If someone is unkind, adults help to sort out any problems. Pupils make strong progress from their starting points. Pupils enjoy the many clubs and other activities, both during and after school time. Leaders are ambitious for all pupils to achieve well. Early career teachers find their support and guidance particularly helpful. Teachers say they are able to manage their workload well. All pupils are reading well by the middle of Year 3. Pupils develop a love of reading from the word go. Older pupils are voracious readers. Pupils’ behaviour in lessons, around the school and on the playground is consistently good. All staff ensure that the highest standards are set from Reception onwards. Classrooms are highly purposeful places for learning. Pupils listen and join in well during lessons. Pupils with SEND make strong progress from their starting points. Children make a strong start to their education in Reception. They rapidly settle and learn their sounds and numbers. Provision is strong, both inside and outside the classroom. All adults have high expectations for children’s learning and achievement. Pupil and staff well-being is of the highest priority. Safeguarding processes and procedures are robust and rigorous. Staff are vigilant and rapidly report any concerns. Leaders and pastoral staff work exceptionally well with the most vulnerable families. Leaders ensure that families get the help they need to keep their children safe.
Ofsted_Good_GP_Colour Thrive Logohealthy-school-kate-greenawayparentview-1Gold award


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Contact Details

Queen Boudica Primary School 
Cowper Crescent
General Enquires: admin@qbps.essex.sch.uk
Finance & Extended School Enquires: finance@qbps.essex.sch.uk
Telephone: 01206 844654

Headteacher: Ms. Clare Woodward

Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Louise Eaton

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Heather Byrne safeguarding@qbps.essex.sch.uk

SENCo: Mrs Kate Bevan, Senco@qbps.essex.sch.uk

Business Manager - Mrs Tracey Metson, finance@qbps.essex.sch.uk


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